Recently, a leading American organization in the field of autism, Autism Speaks, shared a report regarding Autism & Health (2017). The choice on this topic stems from recent research findings that show the proportion of people on the spectrum facing other health conditions (such as epilepsy, sleep disorders, eating disorders, ADHD, anxiety, depression, schizophrenia and bipolar disorder) is very high compared to people not on the spectrum. This data reinforces the assumption that the spectrum of autism often affects all bodily functions.
Unlike conventional drug treatment, medical cannabis treatment includes a number of steps regarding obtaining the medicine, i.e. bureaucracy, regulation and most importantly, a balanced and beneficial treatment process. Issuing the licence and prescriptions is relatively the more simple piece. The more complex part is managing the treatment and adjusting the dosage of the product for each individual.
Every person that familiar with the process of medical cannabis knows that it is one of ‘self medication’. This means that the patient, themself, needs to examine what method of consumption, strain and dosing is right for them, usually in the form of inquiry, trial, and error.
But how does a child or adult ‘self medicate’ when their main difficulty is literally telling us how they feel?
How do you do that with someone on the spectrum built with such a different neurological and sensory sensitivity, who, in many cases, suffers from another physical illness as well?
It is precisely for this reason that we have established "Cannafora" - a center of expertise that will provide a complete solution and accompany the patient on the spectrum until an optimal balance is reached.
Our process of treatment consists of three stages :